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#1 Frit Spoon

We make our standard spoons with durability in mind; our carbs are larger for air flow and ease of cleaning.

#2 Frit Sherlock

If you want to smoke in style, we have these lovely personal sized sherlocks. The sherlock is an excellent choice to guarantee no kickback

#3 Frit Chillums

Straight shooter with deep bowl, perfect pack 'n' play, very sturdy, and fits nicely in the hand

#4 Frit Shapely Chillum

#5 Frit mini spoon

#6 Trinut (Triple donuts)

The triple donut makes sure nothing unpleasant travels to the mouthpiece. Unique and comfortable to hold

#7 Wrap and Rake

#8 UV Devil Spoons

#9 UV Frit Chillums

Minerals such as chromium and uranium give these pieces their color under blacklight or ultraviolet lighting

#10 UV Sherlock

Pictures coming soon!!!

#11 UV Spoon

Pictures coming soon!!!

#12, 13, 14 Dabbers dishs and sets

These elegant dabbers have a built in carb cap for regulating airflow

Dishes designed to hold your wax with resting spot for your dabber

#15 Octopus Pendants

These artistic octopus pendants come in a variety of styles and colors, each bringing to the wearer its own charm

#16 Cycloptopus Pendents

#17 Octopus Spoons

These octopus are your ultimate smoking buddies!

#18 Octopus Chillums

#19 Straws

Reusable straws are so nice to have! Dishwasher safe, and made with recycled materials

#20 Octopus Straws

#21 Deco Donut Chillums

Our designer donuts are decorated with hand drawn henna inspired designs. String this bad boy up as a necklace and you're ready to rock 'n' roll!

#22 Tentacle\Horn Chillum

These chillums are enhanced with a tentacle or horn that doubles as a handle for your smoking pleasure


Looks like something buried deep in a space pirate's treasure chest, these tentacle chillums are UV reactive and copper plated with a real raw ruby.

#24 Standlocks

A fresh and unique take on the sherlock, these badboys are designed to stand at attention. I bring you, the standlock. Special consideration was taken to make the mouth piece centered directly above the bowl and the majority of its weight in the base/body, making it extremely stable and an excellent centerpiece for your smoke table

#25 Standlocks With Tentacles

#26 Standlocks With Tentacles\Horns Plus Opal

Oh yeah, these guys are spicy! A friendly fire original, this style is surefire

#27 UV

#28 Wrap and Rake Tentacle Spoons Plus Wig-Wag and Opal

Our selection of heady spoons will blow your mind! Horns, wigwag endcaps, and opals, these spoons really bring to mind the term functional art. Color and number of accoutrements vary depending on available resource

#29 Wrap and Rake Trip Tentacle Spoons

#30-33 Inter-dimensional Blasters

Another Friendly Fire original, the multi-dimensional blaster is the ultimate in madass pieces. These weapons of grass destruction boast having one, three, and six donut sections creating the barrel, and the carb acts as the trigger.

#34 Wrap and rake spoons sandblasted

We love the blue caramel wrap and rake spoons for the unique color composition, and the tactility. Sand blasted pipes feels smooth and have a nice grip, making an excellent smoker for in the bath or after dishes (wet glass is slippery, but not if the glass is frosted)

#35 Copper plated spoon with quarts crystal

#36 Copper plated Donut Chillum with quarts crystal

#37 Copper plated Trinut with quarts crystal

we will help you burn things!